Phase 1(Method Body) :
Github Link : Md. Asiful Haque Github
1: /*
2: * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
3: * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
4: * and open the template in the editor.
5: */
6: package mobileapplicationlicthomepractice.CoreJavaDay1Assignment;
7: /**
8: *
9: * @author Md.Asiful
10: * @serial 1.6.1
11: * @since 2016 September 24
12: * @author
13: */
14: public class TaskSixMethod
15: {
16: /**
17: *
18: * @param upValue
19: * @param downValue
20: * @return result=upValue/downValue
21: */
22: public int dividerCalc(int upValue, int downValue)
23: {
24: int result=upValue/downValue;
25: return result;
26: }
27: /**
28: *
29: * @param upValue
30: * @param downValue
31: * @return result=upValue%downValue;
32: */
33: public int reminderCalc(int upValue, int downValue)
34: {
35: int result=upValue%downValue;
36: return result;
37: }
38: }
Phase 2(Main Class):1: /*
2: * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
3: * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
4: * and open the template in the editor.
5: */
6: package mobileapplicationlicthomepractice.CoreJavaDay1Assignment;
7: import java.util.Scanner;
8: /**
9: *
10: * @author Md.Asiful
11: * @serial 1.6.2
12: * @since 2016 September 24
13: * @author
14: */
15: public class TaskSixMainClass {
16: /**
17: * @param args the command line arguments
18: */
19: public static void main(String[] args) {
20: /**
21: * @param scn use to take input from user
22: */
23: Scanner scn=new Scanner(;
24: /**
25: * Promoting for Upper divisible value
26: * @param firstNumber for upperValue
27: */
28: System.out.println("Please Enter Upper Value = ");
29: int firstNumber=scn.nextInt();
30: /**
31: * Promoting for Lower divisible value
32: * @param secondNumber for secondNumber
33: */
34: System.out.println("Please Enter Lower Value = ");
35: int secondNumber=scn.nextInt();
36: /**
37: * New Instance of TaskFiveMethod
38: * @param taskSixMethod for new TaskSixMethod instance
39: */
40: TaskSixMethod taskSixMethod=new TaskSixMethod();
41: //Printing for test
42: //System.out.println(t6.dividerCalc(firstNumber, secondNumber));
43: /**
44: * @param tempDevideResult collect result from deviderCalc method.
45: */
46: int tempDivideResult=taskSixMethod.dividerCalc(firstNumber, secondNumber);
47: //Printing for test
48: //System.out.println(t6.reminderCalc(firstNumber, secondNumber));
49: /**
50: * @param tempReminderResult collect result from reminderCalc method
51: */
52: int tempReminderResult=taskSixMethod.reminderCalc(firstNumber, secondNumber);
53: System.out.println("Devided Value "+"\tReminder Value");
54: System.out.println(tempDivideResult+"\t"+"\t"+tempReminderResult);
55: }
56: }
OUTPUT :Github Link : Md. Asiful Haque Github
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