package mobileapplicationlicthomepractice.CoreJavaDay1Assignment;
import java.util.Scanner;
* @author Md.Asiful Haque
* BRAC University
* @serial 1.2
* @since 2016 September 24
public class TaskTwo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Scanner scn use to take input from user
Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
// Promoting for first user input.
System.out.println("Please Enter First Number = ");
* firstNumber pram use to take input first number from user
int firstNumber = scn.nextInt();
// Promotting for second user input
System.out.println("Please Enter Second Number = ");
* secondNumber param use to take input second number from user
int secondNumber = scn.nextInt();
// Initilizing sum=0 to store temporary value.
int sum = 0;
* As per program specification this system will print first two number
* taken from user along with next 13 sequence
System.out.print(firstNumber + " " + secondNumber + " ");
* Running loop for next 13 consecutive number this counter will start
* from 0 to less than 13 with following increment counter ++
for (int counter = 0; counter < 13; counter++) {
* this line will be first logic of this program Adding first two
* number and be the third number of the sequence For example : if
* the user enter 1 & 2 the output will be sum=1+2=3 print sequence
* will be 1 2 3 or if input is 1 & 3 then the print sequence is 1 3
* 4
sum = firstNumber + secondNumber;
* Printing the print sequence Notice that i use print instead of
* println
System.out.print(sum + " ");
* This section for making secondNumber become firstNumber and sum
* of two number (Sum=firstNumber+secondNumber) will be secondNumber
* For example: user input is 1 and 3 then next number will be 1+3=4
* printing sequence will be like this 1 3 4
* what will be next sequence 1 3 4 7 which is sum of 3+4=7
* for 1 3 4 7 sequence firstNumber=secondNumber will make firstNumber=3
* in next line secondNumber=4 // which is a sum of two previous no
firstNumber = secondNumber;
secondNumber = sum;
OUTPUT:Github Link : Md. Asiful Haque Github
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